Comunidade Once Upon a Time [Official]

Comunidade Once Upon a Time [Official]

[Comunidade criada à todos os adoradores dessa série contagiante.]
Once Upon a Time is an American television series of fantasy, drama and romance developed by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the creators of the series Lost and the film Tron: Legacy. The series premiered on October 23, 2011 on ABC at 20.00. In Brazil, the series began airing on pay channel subtitled in Sony on 12th April at 21h copies. On September 30, 2012, premiered the 2nd season of Once Upon a Time, which premiered in Brazil on October 25. The series began airing on network TV in Brazil by Rede Record on February 3, 2014.

Categoria: Outros

Criada em: 23/09/2014
Tipo: pública
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